Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Feel Better This Spring, Get Out the Clutter!

I'll be addressing this topic again, but wanted to take a moment to discuss it briefly. In my business I visit so many homes and I realize that many people have a large accumulation of things. I myself fall victim to my own clutter especially my home office! But oh what a difference it makes when it is cleared. Spring will soon be over and Summer is fast upon us. This would be a great time to find an area in your home you know needs addressing and tackle it!

There is actually a physical reaction we have when we are in spaces that were once filled with clutter and then cleared and made neat and tidy. You actually feel good in them and want to be there and linger, in some cases you may not want to leave it (there are some Feng Shui elements that help with this as well that will be discussed later).

Removing clutter will reduce stress. You will gain time and energy in your life. By clearing these critical areas of your home you reduce the amount of time worrying, looking for things and house cleaning. Have you been saving books and magazines that you plan to read or re-read some time in the future. If you have not read them in the last three years, do you really think you will read then in the next three? It is unlikely. I know you are saving many of them as references. With the Internet, you have all the reference material you will ever need right at your fingertips. Get rid of books and magazines. Put them in the donation box. If you really cannot stand to give things away because it all has value, have a garage sale. Make it a challenge to have tons of stuff at your sale. When it is over, take whatever does not sell and donate it to a charity. Promise yourself you will get rid of the leftovers.

To sum up clutter, it robs valuable time from your life. It takes away some of your life energy and makes you wonder how you will ever organize it all. Do not organize it all; get rid of a lot of it!

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